“We didn’t get here by chance”, Rossi asserts as Hungary gear up for EURO2024 opener

Ahead of their EURO2024 opener against Switzerland, Hungary’s head coach Marco Rossi, along with players Loïc Négo and Bendegúz Bolla, spoke to the press.

What did the players say?

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Reflecting on their recent friendly against Israel, Bolla expressed satisfaction with his performance and the team’s progress. “I joined my teammates a bit late, but that was no problem. I think I can be satisfied with my performance against Israel. We managed to build up our confidence; that was the main thing,”

Loïc Négo, who has been undergoing rehabilitation, was also confident in the team’s preparations despite uncertainty over his own availability. “This week was about rehabilitation for me, I don’t know when I will be able to play. But the team is well prepared and ready for the challenges ahead.”

Bolla, who recently signed for Rapid Wien, reminisced about his journey alongside fellow Hungarian stars Dominik Szoboszlai and Kevin Csoboth, highlighting the significant progress they have made since their early days at Phoenix Gold FC. “It’s amazing where we started from in 2007 and now we can prepare for the European Championships together. It also shows what a job we have done in that small club.”

What did Marco Rossi say?

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National team coach Marco Rossi also shared his thoughts during the press conference, emphasising the importance of handling pressure and focusing on their game plan.

“My players are already feeling the pressure, there’s no avoiding this pressure, but we have to be able to handle it and focus on our game. We didn’t get here by chance. The Swiss are very good defensively and up front they have several quick players, you don’t have to focus on just one player.”

Rossi confirmed that he has already decided on the starting line-up for their opener.

“I have to take many factors into account when selecting the starting team. Who, how they prepare in training, who the opponents are. We try to field the players who will best serve our purposes in a given situation. As for tomorrow, there is no question in my mind, the starting line-up has been assembled.”

Rossi acknowledged the challenges posed by Switzerland’s key players, notably Granit Xhaka, while praising Nego’s contributions to the Hungarian team despite his current injury. “Xhaka has been one of the best in the world in his position recently, he’s one of the main guarantors of the Swiss game, but I could also mention Akanji, Frueler and Vargas among the key players. As for Loic Nego, he is as Hungarian as I am, as he is a Hungarian citizen. He’s a great guy, I can’t even describe how much he brings to the team as a person. However, he’s currently struggling with an injury, so he won’t be able to play tomorrow,” Rossi explained.

You can read what their opponents Switzerland had to say, and follow the clash later today, here on FromTheSpot.